Tuesday 21 September 2010

What is the main point of this article?
    _A message From Mother Nature
Diffences between Wethering and Climate:
  _Wethering:Is a wether that happen it a short time
  _Climate:Is a wether that happen over a long time
4 words:_Drought:long time no rain,mostly in south Asia.
             _Flood:a lot of water influx into countries or towns.
             _Climate:Wether that happen over a long time.
             _Monsoon:a rain season.
 What does the word “perception” mean?
 _Opinion,how you understand or view your experience.
What experiences have you had with “extreme weather”?
_Drought,monsoon,earthquake,flood,heat wave,earthstorm.
What is your “perception” of global climate change?
_Beacause today,a lot of company builed,so they waste a lot of energy,smoke.And modern technology,so we have a lot of modern machine,like motorbike,car.So they also waste a lot of energy and smoke to.And the atmospheric's hole is bigger and bigger.So the earth is warmer and warmer.
What are the examples listed in the article of “extreme weather”?

Sunday 12 September 2010

Story about Pizza Land

 There was a really big Pizza Land.There are 4 countries in this land: "Cheese,ham,sausages and sea food.Ten years ago,sea food was the biggest country.But they were attacked by a really big fish.The fish ate the whole city,made a lot of people died.Just a few people were still alive,and they moved to sausages.
 Sea food are really nice and kind,so people in sausages really like them.And they built a very big country,with many modern buildings,high buildings,and a lot of companies,road,all together.And they also built a powerful army,so they attacked Ham city and they won a fight.Ham was a small city and their population was really small,and thier army is really weakness,so they can fight against the sausages.
 After the fight,they moved to cheese.That was a really small town,and a lot of people lived there,they tried really hard to build a big city,to be a city,like Ham and sausages.In there town.they had a lot of trees,lakes,resources.They lived really near each other,to help if someone have a trouble
 There is a really long river flow through 3 cities,the river name is Hot Cheese.The cheese just had a little bit part of the river,so they really needed the water.So they built the house near the river to have water.
 And now,the sausages city,they have a really powerful army now,so they kill the fish 10 years before,it ate the whole seafood land.

Sunday 5 September 2010

From the family project,i've learned about many different culture and family tradition.I really like Alex and Vivi's project.Because Vivi is from America and she has a different tradition from me,and she did a family tree with a real tree,that's make me suprise.And Alex's project,i like him project because his family can Speak French,like me family,and when he spoke a French sentence,it was really funny.And 1 more present that i really like is Emily's project.Her parents can speak Chinnese,and it's a wonderful presentation.

Study Guide

 3 kinds of map:
_Political map - show the countries and theirs borders
_Physical map - show the physical aspect/characteristics of an area
_Thematic map - show data related to a theme.
5 themes:movement,  place, regions, and human- environment interaction, location
Geography: the study of people and environment of places
Region:an area that has one or more common characteristics that unite or connect it with other area

Environment: the physical surroundings of location

Location: an exact position using latitude and longitude, or a description of a place in relation to places around it

Spatial: where a place is located and its' physical relationship to other places, people or environment

Place:a geographical term that describes the physical and human characteristics of a location
The 6 Essential Elements of Geography: the world in spatial terms, places and regions, physical systems, human systems, environment and society, the uses of geography.
Location Analyst, Climatologist, Cartographer, Land Surveyor, Urban Planner.